Learning @ ISTM
2022 Virtual ISTM Travel Medicine Review & Update Course
- Non-Member - $450
- 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $350
- 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $350
- 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $350
- LMIC Healthcare Professional Membership - $350
- Retiree Membership - $350
- 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $350
- Student Membership (Non-degreed/Non-licensed) - $350
- Staff - Free!
The annual ISTM TMRUC will be offered online 11 - 12 February 2022. This will be a hybrid virtual event of live and pre-recorded presentations. Participants will have ample opportunity to interact with the faculty through interactive sessions and informal discussions. The course will be available on-demand after the live event.
The Travel Medicine Review and Update Course is designed to review the ISTM Body of Knowledge for the Practice of Travel Medicine and to highlight recent developments in Travel Medicine. The curriculum will cover topics relevant to physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals who provide medical care and advice to travellers, expatriates, and migrants.
Sessions offered will include principles of immune response, risk assessment, and a travel vaccine overview. The expert faculty will present topics including adventure travel, bites and envenomation, cases, food and water exposures, ill returning travellers, risk assessment, malaria, yellow fever, special travellers, vaccines, and vectors. The care of special groups such as pregnant women, pediatric travellers, immigrants, VFR travellers, diabetics, and immunocompromised hosts will also be discussed. Recent developments and advances in travellers' diarrhea, immunizations, malaria medications, and navigating COVID in travel will be highlighted.
Elizabeth A. Talbot, MD
Travel Medicine Review and Update Course, Chair
Deputy State Epidemiologist, NH DHHS
Professor of Medicine, Infectious Diseases and International Health, Dartmouth, New Hampshire, USA
Elizabeth A. Talbot, United States
Lin Chen, United States
Yen-Giang Bui, Canada
Sarah Kohl, United States
Aisha Khatib, Canada
Camilla Rothe, Germany
David Hamer, United States
David Freedman, United States
Elizabeth Barnett, United States
Gerard Flaherty, Ireland
Henry Wu, United States
Lin Chen, United States
Mary-Louise Scully, United States
Michael Jones, United Kingdom
Sarah Kohl, United States
Sheila Mackell, United States
Jane Chiodini, United Kingdom
Jenny Visser, New Zealand
Leo Visser, Netherlands
Mary-Louise Scully, United States
Salim Parker, South Africa
Moderator: Yen-Giang Bui, Canada
Dipti Patel, United Kingdom
Mike Starr, Australia
Patricia Schlagenhauf, Switzerland
Steve Schofield, Canada
Moderator: Francesco Castelli, Italy
Camilla Rothe, Germany
Christina Coyle, United States
David Shlim, United States
Francesco Castelli, Italy
Gerard Flaherty, Ireland
Yen-Giang Bui, Canada

Accreditation Statement:
In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Amedco LLC and International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM). Amedco LLC is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
Physicians (ACCME) Credit Designation:
Amedco LLC designates this live activity / enduring material for a maximum of 16.25 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Nurses (ANCC) Credit Designation:
Amedco LLC designates this live activity / enduring material for a maximum of 16.25 ANCC contact hours.
Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians (ACPE) Credit Designation:
Amedco LLC designates this live activity / enduring material for a maximum of 9.75 knowledge-based CPE contact hours.
* NOTE to Pharmacists: The only official Statement of Credit is the one you pull from CPE Monitor. You must request your certificate within 30 days of your participation in the activity to meet the deadline for submission to CPE Monitor.
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Contains 26 Component(s)
Recorded On: 02/12/2022
2022 TMRUC Course Speaker Bio's, Disclosures, Videos, and Handouts
2022 TMRUC Course Speaker Bio's, Disclosures, Videos, and Handouts. The live and recorded presentations will be posted to the course a few days after the live event.
Yen Bui, MD, DTMH
Professional Education Committee, Chair
Department of Public Health, Quebec
Dr. Yen-Giang Bui is the current Chair of the Professional Education Committee of ISTM.
She serves on various expert committees both in Travel Health and in Immunization at the provincial and federal level in Canada. She is the Vice-Chair of the Committee to Advise on Tropical Medicine and Travel, Public Health Agency of Canada, where she contributes to various working groups, and leads the working groups on yellow fever and rabies.
Dr. Bui holds a Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, a Certificate in Travel Health and a Certificate of Knowledge in Clinical Tropical Medicine and Travelers' Health.
She has been a consulting physician at the Department of Public Health of the Montérégie, Québec, Canada since 2001 in Infectious Diseases, and in the past has provided primary care to asylum seekers in Montreal for many years.
Dr. Bui has been directly involved in capacity building and knowledge transfer to Travel Health practitioners in Québec for the last 20 years. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, she provided support to public health practitioners, vaccinators and community organizations in her region through regular updates, and training in motivational interviewing techniques to decrease vaccine hesitancy.
Dr. Bui is a clinician at the Travel Health Clinic of the CISSS Montérégie-Centre and maintains a strong interest in post-resettlement challenges facing immigrants such as barriers to preventive care, high-risk travelers (VFRs), infectious diseases, mental health issues etc.
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Dr. David H. Hamer, MD
Professor of Global Health and Medicine
Boston University Schools of Public Health and Medicine
Davidson Hamer, MD is a Professor of Global Health and Medicine at the Boston University Schools of Public Health and Medicine, the co-lead of the climate change and emerging infectious diseases research core at the BU Center on Emerging Infectious Diseases, and an attending physician in infectious diseases and Director of the Travel Clinic at Boston Medical Center. Dr. Hamer is a board-certified infectious disease specialist and medical epidemiologist with particular interests in maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition (MNCH&N) in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), emerging arboviral diseases, tropical medicine, travel medicine, infection control, and antimicrobial resistance.
Dr. Hamer has been involved in travel medicine for thirty years and from 2014 to 2021, Dr. Hamer served as the principal investigator and, since September 2021, as the Surveillance Lead, of GeoSentinel, a global surveillance network of 70 sites in 30 countries that uses returning travelers, immigrants, and refugees as sentinels of disease emergence and transmission patterns throughout the world. At Boston Medical Center, he is the PI for several studies of enhanced screening, diagnosis, and management of migrants with Chagas disease and he is part of two national US Chagas disease consortia.
Dr. Hamer is currently the Scientific Program Chair for the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Section Editor for the Journal of Travel Medicine (sentinel surveillance in travelers) and the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (global health and Chagas disease). He also serves as the Secretary-Treasurer for the GeoSentinel Foundation. He has nearly 500 publications that cover a range of topics within the fields of global health (MNCH&N), travel medicine, COVID-19, and the epidemiology of disease in returning travelers.
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Michael Jones, MB, ChB, FRCP(Edin, Glasg & Lond), FFTM RCPS(Glasg)
Secretary Treasurer
International Society of Travel Medicine
Dr Michael Jones, MB, ChB, FRCP(Edin, Glasg & Lond), FFTM RCPS(Glasg) graduated from Aberdeen University in 1972, and after training in internal medicine, was appointed a UK Key Cadre Technical Aid Officer as a Specialist Physician at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Tanzania 1976-1982.
On return to the UK he co-founded HealthLink360 with his wife Elizabeth who became its first Director of Psychological Services. Located near Edinburgh, this not-for-profit charity provides whole person health care for expatriates working with voluntary agencies throughout the developing world. He was Medical Director 1983-2006, volunteer Honorary Consultant until 2018 and is now a Consultant Advisor. He set up a thriving public access HL360 Travel Clinic in 2004.
He was a staff physician at the Edinburgh Regional Infectious Diseases Unit (RIDU) from 1983, Associate Specialist from 1989, Consultant from 2005 and founded the RIDU Travel Clinic in 1993. He had a strong interest in the management of HIV infection, managing his own patient cohort for nearly 30 years. Retiring in 2014 he continued in clinical practice at the Spire Hospital, Edinburgh and HealthLink360 until end 2018.
He has lectured widely on HIV, Infectious Diseases and tropical medicine, and internationally on Travel Medicine. He wrote a module for the Glasgow Diploma in Travel Medicine in 1998. In 2007 he was invited to chair the Faculty of Travel Medicine Examination Committee at RCPS Glasgow, became Vice Dean in 2009 and Dean 2012-15, where he encouraged international links, educational development, and enjoyed chairing an enthusiastic Board.
Mike was Editor of the quarterly developing world journal Tropical Doctor, 1995-2002, edited the vaccination and anti-malarial prophylaxis pages for the GP Newspaper Pulse from 1994 and was Associate Editor of Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 2015-18.
He joined the International Health Advisory Committee of the Mission Agency SIM, based in Charlotte, NC in 2001. From 2003-9 he made five visits to Zambia supporting the roll out of ART with the Lothian-Zambia HIV/AIDS Partnership. In 2014 he co-authored a report on developing Travel Medicine services for the Government of Oman and helped organize the first conference on Travel Medicine in the Arab world in Oman in 2015.
He was a founder member of ISTM in Atlanta in 1991 and has attended every CISTM since, presenting 34 posters and lectures over the years. He was Chair of the Psychological Health of Travellers Interest Group 2014-17 and became Secretary-Treasurer for the International Society of Travel Medicine in June 2019. He enjoys downhill skiing, cycling, golf, swimming, and home maintenance.
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Contains 26 Component(s) Recorded On: 02/12/2022
2022 TMRUC Course Speaker Bio's, Disclosures, Videos, and Handouts
2022 TMRUC Course Speaker Bio's, Disclosures, Videos, and Handouts. The live and recorded presentations will be posted to the course a few days after the live event.
Yen Bui, MD, DTMH
Professional Education Committee, Chair
Department of Public Health, Quebec
Dr. Yen-Giang Bui is the current Chair of the Professional Education Committee of ISTM.
She serves on various expert committees both in Travel Health and in Immunization at the provincial and federal level in Canada. She is the Vice-Chair of the Committee to Advise on Tropical Medicine and Travel, Public Health Agency of Canada, where she contributes to various working groups, and leads the working groups on yellow fever and rabies.
Dr. Bui holds a Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, a Certificate in Travel Health and a Certificate of Knowledge in Clinical Tropical Medicine and Travelers' Health.
She has been a consulting physician at the Department of Public Health of the Montérégie, Québec, Canada since 2001 in Infectious Diseases, and in the past has provided primary care to asylum seekers in Montreal for many years.
Dr. Bui has been directly involved in capacity building and knowledge transfer to Travel Health practitioners in Québec for the last 20 years. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, she provided support to public health practitioners, vaccinators and community organizations in her region through regular updates, and training in motivational interviewing techniques to decrease vaccine hesitancy.
Dr. Bui is a clinician at the Travel Health Clinic of the CISSS Montérégie-Centre and maintains a strong interest in post-resettlement challenges facing immigrants such as barriers to preventive care, high-risk travelers (VFRs), infectious diseases, mental health issues etc.
Dr. David H. Hamer, MD
Professor of Global Health and Medicine
Boston University Schools of Public Health and Medicine
Davidson Hamer, MD is a Professor of Global Health and Medicine at the Boston University Schools of Public Health and Medicine, the co-lead of the climate change and emerging infectious diseases research core at the BU Center on Emerging Infectious Diseases, and an attending physician in infectious diseases and Director of the Travel Clinic at Boston Medical Center. Dr. Hamer is a board-certified infectious disease specialist and medical epidemiologist with particular interests in maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition (MNCH&N) in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), emerging arboviral diseases, tropical medicine, travel medicine, infection control, and antimicrobial resistance.
Dr. Hamer has been involved in travel medicine for thirty years and from 2014 to 2021, Dr. Hamer served as the principal investigator and, since September 2021, as the Surveillance Lead, of GeoSentinel, a global surveillance network of 70 sites in 30 countries that uses returning travelers, immigrants, and refugees as sentinels of disease emergence and transmission patterns throughout the world. At Boston Medical Center, he is the PI for several studies of enhanced screening, diagnosis, and management of migrants with Chagas disease and he is part of two national US Chagas disease consortia.
Dr. Hamer is currently the Scientific Program Chair for the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Section Editor for the Journal of Travel Medicine (sentinel surveillance in travelers) and the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (global health and Chagas disease). He also serves as the Secretary-Treasurer for the GeoSentinel Foundation. He has nearly 500 publications that cover a range of topics within the fields of global health (MNCH&N), travel medicine, COVID-19, and the epidemiology of disease in returning travelers.
Michael Jones, MB, ChB, FRCP(Edin, Glasg & Lond), FFTM RCPS(Glasg)
Secretary Treasurer
International Society of Travel Medicine
Dr Michael Jones, MB, ChB, FRCP(Edin, Glasg & Lond), FFTM RCPS(Glasg) graduated from Aberdeen University in 1972, and after training in internal medicine, was appointed a UK Key Cadre Technical Aid Officer as a Specialist Physician at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Tanzania 1976-1982.
On return to the UK he co-founded HealthLink360 with his wife Elizabeth who became its first Director of Psychological Services. Located near Edinburgh, this not-for-profit charity provides whole person health care for expatriates working with voluntary agencies throughout the developing world. He was Medical Director 1983-2006, volunteer Honorary Consultant until 2018 and is now a Consultant Advisor. He set up a thriving public access HL360 Travel Clinic in 2004.
He was a staff physician at the Edinburgh Regional Infectious Diseases Unit (RIDU) from 1983, Associate Specialist from 1989, Consultant from 2005 and founded the RIDU Travel Clinic in 1993. He had a strong interest in the management of HIV infection, managing his own patient cohort for nearly 30 years. Retiring in 2014 he continued in clinical practice at the Spire Hospital, Edinburgh and HealthLink360 until end 2018.
He has lectured widely on HIV, Infectious Diseases and tropical medicine, and internationally on Travel Medicine. He wrote a module for the Glasgow Diploma in Travel Medicine in 1998. In 2007 he was invited to chair the Faculty of Travel Medicine Examination Committee at RCPS Glasgow, became Vice Dean in 2009 and Dean 2012-15, where he encouraged international links, educational development, and enjoyed chairing an enthusiastic Board.
Mike was Editor of the quarterly developing world journal Tropical Doctor, 1995-2002, edited the vaccination and anti-malarial prophylaxis pages for the GP Newspaper Pulse from 1994 and was Associate Editor of Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 2015-18.
He joined the International Health Advisory Committee of the Mission Agency SIM, based in Charlotte, NC in 2001. From 2003-9 he made five visits to Zambia supporting the roll out of ART with the Lothian-Zambia HIV/AIDS Partnership. In 2014 he co-authored a report on developing Travel Medicine services for the Government of Oman and helped organize the first conference on Travel Medicine in the Arab world in Oman in 2015.
He was a founder member of ISTM in Atlanta in 1991 and has attended every CISTM since, presenting 34 posters and lectures over the years. He was Chair of the Psychological Health of Travellers Interest Group 2014-17 and became Secretary-Treasurer for the International Society of Travel Medicine in June 2019. He enjoys downhill skiing, cycling, golf, swimming, and home maintenance.
© 2025 International Society of Travel Medicine