

The International Society of Travel Medicine’s official podcast, Travel Unravelled, explores the latest developments, challenges and innovations in travel health and medicine. Join ISTM President-Elect Dr. Anne McCarthy, Travel Doctor Corporate CEO Dr. Albie de Frey and ISTM podcast director Dr. Aisha Khatib as they chat with experts around the world and give you practical tips designed to keep you well on your next adventure. Plus, hear the latest insights from the Journal of Travel Medicine’s Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Annelies Wilder-Smith.

Whether you’re a seasoned traveller or just starting to plan your first international trip, Travel Unravelled is your personal guide for staying healthy while exploring the world—without taking up any room in your suitcase.

Ep. 3: Journey to Wellness—The Health Benefits of Travel

Journey to wellness: The health benefits of travel

What are the benefits of travel? Can a trip to a distant destination really improve your health? And how is it possible to engage in responsible travel? In this episode sponsored by IAMAT, the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers, we delve into the myriad benefits of travelling. For example, few people know that those who travel experience lower risk of many issues, including heart disease and burnout. Travel also creates economic and cultural benefits. Join Dr. Anne McCarthy, Dr. Aisha Khatib, and new Travel Unravelled voices Dr. Sarah McGuinness, the ISTM digital communications lead, and ISTM president Dr. Gerard Flaherty as they describe the argument for travel — and how it can positively impact your life and the world around you.  

Ep. 2: Rage on the Road—Rabies, Risk and Travellers

Rabies risks and travellers

Thought to be the inspiration behind legends like the vampire and the werewolf, the rabies virus poses a serious risk for travellers around the world. In the second episode of Travel Unravelled, hosts Dr. Anne McCarthy and Dr. Albie de Frey sink their teeth into all things rabies with podcast director Dr. Aisha Khatib. Discover the insidious nature of rabies, why it's considered one of the most fatal diseases in existence, how you can protect yourself before travelling to rabies-prone regions — and what to do if you get exposed to the virus from an animal bite. Featuring interviews with such rabies experts, our second episode chronicles the evolution of rabies prevention recommendations, from vaccine developer Louis Pasteur to the state of the art today.

Ep. 1: Malaria for Travellers—Prevention and Treatment

Malaria for Travellers

The most dangerous animal in the world is not the shark or the tiger. It won’t stalk you on safari or attack you as you surf. Tiny but mighty, the mosquito kills more people than any other animal in the world. Why? Because it spreads malaria, which causes more than 600,000 deaths every year—all of which are preventable. In the first episode of Travel Unravelled, hosts Dr. Anne McCarthy and Dr. Albie de Frey get into the must-know details about malaria with podcast director Dr. Aisha Khatib. On the agenda: How to avoid getting malaria, how to prepare before a trip, and what to do if you feel sick in a malaria area. Plus: Why malaria is so tough to diagnose. It’s the Battle of the Buzz, and listening to this episode is your best repellent!