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  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    This is the application for the 2025 28th Certificate in Travel Health™ Exam produced by the ISTM.

    The CTH® certificate recognizes professionals who have demonstrated expertise in the unique Body of Knowledge associated with travel medicine care and consultation.  

    ISTM will offer its 28th Certificate of Knowledge™ in Travel Medicine live in In-person: Sunday, 11 May 2025 at CISTM19 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Conference Hotel.

    The deadline to apply to take the exam is 1st April 2025.

    No cancellations or deferrals will be honored after April 1, 2025. If you have a health or family emergency after April 1 that impacts your ability to take the exam, you may defer your registration to the next available exam if you provide corroborating documentation of a true emergency. After April 1, requests to defer for convenience will not be considered. If you choose to defer your exam by April 1, you must take the exam when it is next offered as you will not be allowed to defer a second time. 


    Please note that there are 3 REQUIRED components to this exam application. You must complete all 3 components in order for your application to be considered. If you fail to complete the required components you will not be allowed to enter the exam on exam day. 

    1. Applicant Questionnaire 

    2. Terms of Service (TOS) Acknowledgement

    3. Photo Identification Upload

    Please note that Non-ISTM Members must create ISTM profiles to apply to take the examination. Click here to create your profile then submit your application through the member application link.

    Special Accommodations:

    If you need special accommodations for the examination, please email or and submit your request within 30 days of the exam date. 

    Handouts Available:

    1. Candidate Bulletin

    2. CTH® Mark Use Policy

    3. Exam packet - you will receive your exam packet once all exam applications have been reviewed and accepted, no later than 30 April 2025.

    Future Exam Dates:


    Additional Information:

    1. You will receive at least two emails from ISTM: (1) An initial confirmation of receipt of your application and payment and (2) Once your application has been reviewed and accepted, you will receive an email with your exam packet that includes complete exam instructions. You may receive additional emails if any updates need to be communicated so please make sure to read any emails from or and add us to your safe-senders list so the emails do not go to your spam folder. 

    2. Scoring: Please note that you will NOT receive a score immediately after taking the exam. Pass/Fail information will be emailed after the psychometricians have reviewed all of the completed exams. Please be patient as grading may take 8 to 10 weeks. In the interim, neither this system nor the ISTM Professional Team will have pass/fail information.

    • Register
      • Non-Member - $775
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $575
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $450
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $575
      • LMIC Healthcare Professional Membership - $200
      • Retiree Membership - $575
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $450
      • Student Membership (Non-degreed/Non-licensed) - $450
      • Staff - Free!
    • More Information
  • Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 11/21/2024

    An examination of AI’s evolving role in shaping the future of academic publishing.


    How is AI transforming the world of scientific publishing? This session, organized in collaboration with Oxford University Press (OUP), takes a deep dive into AI's evolving role in academic publishing, including its specific impact on the Journal of Travel Medicine.

    The webinar covers:

    • Register
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - Free!
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - Free!
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - Free!
      • LMIC Healthcare Professional Membership - Free!
      • Retiree Membership - Free!
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - Free!
      • Student Membership (Non-degreed/Non-licensed) - Free!
      • Staff - Free!
    • More Information
  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    The fourth chapter of a four-chapter slide set on travel medicine.

    The ISTM is pleased to present the expanded and updated 2024 version of the popular teaching presentation. The 225-slide PowerPoint slide set is now presented in four chapters - Chapter 1: Introduction to Travel Medicine; Chapter 2: Travel Topics and Special Conditions; Chapter 3: Travel Vaccines; Chapter 4: Vector-borne Diseases.  

    This product is Chapter 4 only.  Each chapter can be purchased individually for 15 USD (Members) or 50 USD (Non-Members).

    All 4 chapters can be purchased together for a reduced price - 40 USD (Members) or 175 USD (Non-Members) - by clicking here.

    The original authors of the slideset are Eric Caumes, MD, Professor of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris, France, and Bradley A. Connor, MD, Director of the New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, and Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, United States.

    Since its inception in 2008 the slide set has undergone major updating several times.  With each update, there is an extensive peer-review process by travel medicine practitioners from around the world.

    In this new 2024 edition, Darvin Scott Smith, MD, served as Chief of Infectious Disease & Geographic Medicine at Kaiser Redwood City, Sheila Mackell, MD, Pediatrics & Travel Medicine, Mountain View Pediatrics, Flagstaff, Arizona, Mary-Louise Scully, MD, Director, Travel and Tropical Medicine Center, Sansum Clinic, Santa Barbara, California, and Yen-Giang Bui MD, DTMH, Public Health Department CISSS Monteregie-Centre, Longueuil, Canada have undertaken an extensive update. The 2024 edition of the slide set has been peer-reviewed by The Professional Education Committee of ISTM and other key opinion leaders of ISTM from Australia, Canada, France, United Kingdom, South Africa, and the United States of America, ensuring the international relevance and applicability of the content.

    The presentations are suitable for lecturing to both healthcare professionals and lay groups.  Slides are grouped by subject area (e.g., Risk Assessment, Vaccines, Malaria, Travelers’ Diarrhea, Special Needs Travelers, Post-Travel Syndromes) for easy customization of lectures.  Material and teaching points are international in scope, allowing the presenter to elaborate on specific local dosing and availability issues.

    Terms Of Use

    Copyright to the PowerPoint slides contained in the files titled Introduction to Travel Medicine, Travel Topics and Special Conditions, Travel Vaccines, and Vector-Borne Diseases are owned by the International Society of Travel Medicine.  Individual purchasers of these slide sets are granted a license to use the slides under the following conditions:
    • These slides are meant for the purchaser’s teaching and public speaking activities as a private individual only.
    • No part of the slide sets may be used by, disseminated by, or posted in print or electronic format by institutions, corporations or other organizations.  Licenses for purchase and distribution of multiple copies are negotiable with the ISTM.
    • Individual purchasers may not share any part of the slide sets with any other individual, contained slides may be projected by that individual only or by an individual that is a direct subordinate or paid employee of the individual purchaser.
    • Any or all slides may be shown at a single session.
    • Each slide must be projected exactly as it appears in the slide set.
    • No slide content may be altered in any way as each slide carries the seal of the ISTM.
    • No partial slide content may be extracted from a slide and used in other presentations.
    • The ISTM seal must not be removed from any slide, any use of the content must show the seal on every single slide used.
    • Register
      • Non-Member - $50
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $15
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $15
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $15
      • LMIC Healthcare Professional Membership - $15
      • Retiree Membership - $15
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $15
      • Student Membership (Non-degreed/Non-licensed) - $15
      • Staff - $15
    • More Information
  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    The third chapter of a four-chapter slide set on travel medicine.

    The ISTM is pleased to present the expanded and updated 2024 version of the popular teaching presentation. The 225-slide PowerPoint slide set is now presented in four chapters - Chapter 1: Introduction to Travel Medicine; Chapter 2: Travel Topics and Special Conditions; Chapter 3: Travel Vaccines; Chapter 4: Vector-borne Diseases.  

    This product is Chapter 3 only.  Each chapter can be purchased individually for 15 USD (Members) or 50 USD (Non-Members).

    All 4 chapters can be purchased together for a reduced price - 40 USD (Members) or 175 USD (Non-Members) - by clicking here.

    The original authors of the slide set are Eric Caumes, MD, Professor of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris, France, and Bradley A. Connor, MD, Director of the New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, and Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, United States.

    Since its inception in 2008 the slide set has undergone major updating several times.  With each update, there is an extensive peer-review process by travel medicine practitioners from around the world.

    In this new 2024 edition, Darvin Scott Smith, MD, served as Chief of Infectious Disease & Geographic Medicine at Kaiser Redwood City, Sheila Mackell, MD, Pediatrics & Travel Medicine, Mountain View Pediatrics, Flagstaff, Arizona, Mary-Louise Scully, MD, Director, Travel and Tropical Medicine Center, Sansum Clinic, Santa Barbara, California, and Yen-Giang Bui MD, DTMH, Public Health Department CISSS Monteregie-Centre, Longueuil, Canada have undertaken an extensive update.  The 2024 edition of the slide set has been peer-reviewed by The Professional Education Committee of ISTM and other key opinion leaders of ISTM from Australia, Canada, France, United Kingdom, South Africa, and the United States of America, ensuring the international relevance and applicability of the content.

    The presentations are suitable for lecturing to both healthcare professionals and lay groups.  Slides are grouped by subject area (e.g., Risk Assessment, Vaccines, Malaria, Travelers’ Diarrhea, Special Needs Travelers, Post-Travel Syndromes) for easy customization of lectures.  Material and teaching points are international in scope, allowing the presenter to elaborate on specific local dosing and availability issues.

    Terms Of Use

    Copyright to the PowerPoint slides contained in the files titled Introduction to Travel Medicine, Travel Topics and Special Conditions, Travel Vaccines, and Vector-Borne Diseases are owned by the International Society of Travel Medicine.  Individual purchasers of these slide sets are granted a license to use the slides under the following conditions:
    • These slides are meant for the purchaser’s teaching and public speaking activities as a private individual only.
    • No part of the slide sets may be used by, disseminated by, or posted in print or electronic format by institutions, corporations or other organizations.  Licenses for purchase and distribution of multiple copies are negotiable with the ISTM.
    • Individual purchasers may not share any part of the slide sets with any other individual, contained slides may be projected by that individual only or by an individual that is a direct subordinate or paid employee of the individual purchaser.
    • Any or all slides may be shown at a single session.
    • Each slide must be projected exactly as it appears in the slide set.
    • No slide content may be altered in any way as each slide carries the seal of the ISTM.
    • No partial slide content may be extracted from a slide and used in other presentations.
    • The ISTM seal must not be removed from any slide, any use of the content must show the seal on every single slide used.
    • Register
      • Non-Member - $50
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $15
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $15
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $15
      • LMIC Healthcare Professional Membership - $15
      • Retiree Membership - $15
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $15
      • Student Membership (Non-degreed/Non-licensed) - $15
      • Staff - $15
    • More Information
  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    The second chapter of a four-chapter slide set on travel medicine.

    The ISTM is pleased to present the expanded and updated 2024 version of the popular teaching presentation. The 225-slide PowerPoint slide set is now presented in four chapters - Chapter 1: Introduction to Travel Medicine; Chapter 2: Travel Topics and Special Conditions; Chapter 3: Travel Vaccines; Chapter 4: Vector-borne Diseases.  

    This product is Chapter 2 only.  Each chapter can be purchased individually for 15 USD (Members) or 50 USD (Non-Members).

    All 4 chapters can be purchased together for a reduced price - 40 USD (Members) or 175 USD (Non-Members) - by clicking here.

    The original authors of the slideset are Eric Caumes, MD, Professor of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris, France, and Bradley A. Connor, MD, Director of the New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, and Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, United States.

    Since its inception in 2008 the slide set has undergone major updating several times.  With each update, there is an extensive peer-review process by travel medicine practitioners from around the world.

    In this new 2024 edition, Darvin Scott Smith, MD, served as Chief of Infectious Disease & Geographic Medicine at Kaiser Redwood City, Sheila Mackell, MD, Pediatrics & Travel Medicine, Mountain View Pediatrics, Flagstaff, Arizona, Mary-Louise Scully, MD, Director, Travel and Tropical Medicine Center, Sansum Clinic, Santa Barbara, California, and Yen-Giang Bui MD, DTMH, Public Health Department CISSS Monteregie-Centre, Longueuil, Canada have undertaken an extensive update.  The 2024 edition of the slide set has been peer-reviewed by The Professional Education Committee of ISTM and other key opinion leaders of ISTM from Australia, Canada, France, United Kingdom, South Africa, and the United States of America, ensuring the international relevance and applicability of the content.

    The presentations are suitable for lecturing to both healthcare professionals and lay groups.  Slides are grouped by subject area (e.g., Risk Assessment, Vaccines, Malaria, Travelers’ Diarrhea, Special Needs Travelers, Post-Travel Syndromes) for easy customization of lectures.  Material and teaching points are international in scope, allowing the presenter to elaborate on specific local dosing and availability issues.

    Terms Of Use

    Copyright to the PowerPoint slides contained in the files titled Introduction to Travel Medicine, Travel Topics and Special Conditions, Travel Vaccines, and Vector-Borne Diseases are owned by the International Society of Travel Medicine.  Individual purchasers of these slide sets are granted a license to use the slides under the following conditions:
    • These slides are meant for the purchaser’s teaching and public speaking activities as a private individual only.
    • No part of the slide sets may be used by, disseminated by, or posted in print or electronic format by institutions, corporations or other organizations.  Licenses for purchase and distribution of multiple copies are negotiable with the ISTM.
    • Individual purchasers may not share any part of the slide sets with any other individual, contained slides may be projected by that individual only or by an individual that is a direct subordinate or paid employee of the individual purchaser.
    • Any or all slides may be shown at a single session.
    • Each slide must be projected exactly as it appears in the slide set.
    • No slide content may be altered in any way as each slide carries the seal of the ISTM.
    • No partial slide content may be extracted from a slide and used in other presentations.
    • The ISTM seal must not be removed from any slide, any use of the content must show the seal on every single slide used.
    • Register
      • Non-Member - $50
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $15
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $15
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $15
      • LMIC Healthcare Professional Membership - $15
      • Retiree Membership - $15
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $15
      • Student Membership (Non-degreed/Non-licensed) - $15
      • Staff - $15
    • More Information
  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    The first chapter of a four-chapter slide set on travel medicine.

    The ISTM is pleased to present the expanded and updated 2024 version of the popular teaching presentation. The 225-slide PowerPoint slide set is now presented in four chapters - Chapter 1: Introduction to Travel Medicine; Chapter 2: Travel Topics and Special Conditions; Chapter 3: Travel Vaccines; Chapter 4: Vector-borne Diseases.  

    This product is Chapter 1 only.  Each chapter can be purchased individually for 15 USD (Members) or 50 USD (Non-Members).

    All 4 chapters can be purchased together for a reduced price - 40 USD (Members) or 175 USD (Non-Members) - by clicking here.

    The original authors of the slideset are Eric Caumes, MD, Professor of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris, France, and Bradley A. Connor, MD, Director of the New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, and Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, United States.

    Since its inception in 2008 the slide set has undergone major updating several times.  With each update, there is an extensive peer-review process by travel medicine practitioners from around the world.

    In this new 2024 edition, Darvin Scott Smith, MD, served as Chief of Infectious Disease & Geographic Medicine at Kaiser Redwood City, Sheila Mackell, MD, Pediatrics & Travel Medicine, Mountain View Pediatrics, Flagstaff, Arizona, Mary-Louise Scully, MD, Director, Travel and Tropical Medicine Center, Sansum Clinic, Santa Barbara, California, and Yen-Giang Bui MD, DTMH, Public Health Department CISSS Monteregie-Centre, Longueuil, Canada have undertaken an extensive update.  The 2024 edition of the slide set has been peer-reviewed by The Professional Education Committee of ISTM and other key opinion leaders of ISTM from Australia, Canada, France, United Kingdom, South Africa, and the United States of America, ensuring the international relevance and applicability of the content.

    The presentations are suitable for lecturing to both healthcare professionals and lay groups.  Slides are grouped by subject area (e.g., Risk Assessment, Vaccines, Malaria, Travelers’ Diarrhea, Special Needs Travelers, Post-Travel Syndromes) for easy customization of lectures.  Material and teaching points are international in scope, allowing the presenter to elaborate on specific local dosing and availability issues.

    Terms Of Use

    Copyright to the PowerPoint slides contained in the files titled Introduction to Travel Medicine, Travel Topics and Special Conditions, Travel Vaccines, and Vector-Borne Diseases are owned by the International Society of Travel Medicine.  Individual purchasers of these slide sets are granted a license to use the slides under the following conditions:
    • These slides are meant for the purchaser’s teaching and public speaking activities as a private individual only.
    • No part of the slide sets may be used by, disseminated by, or posted in print or electronic format by institutions, corporations or other organizations.  Licenses for purchase and distribution of multiple copies are negotiable with the ISTM.
    • Individual purchasers may not share any part of the slide sets with any other individual, contained slides may be projected by that individual only or by an individual that is a direct subordinate or paid employee of the individual purchaser.
    • Any or all slides may be shown at a single session.
    • Each slide must be projected exactly as it appears in the slide set.
    • No slide content may be altered in any way as each slide carries the seal of the ISTM.
    • No partial slide content may be extracted from a slide and used in other presentations.
    • The ISTM seal must not be removed from any slide, any use of the content must show the seal on every single slide used.
    • Register
      • Non-Member - $50
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $15
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $15
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $15
      • LMIC Healthcare Professional Membership - $15
      • Retiree Membership - $15
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $15
      • Student Membership (Non-degreed/Non-licensed) - $15
      • Staff - $15
    • More Information
  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    All 4 chapters of the slide set on travel medicine

    The ISTM is pleased to present the expanded and updated 2024 version of the popular teaching presentation. The 225-slide PowerPoint slide set is now presented in four chapters - Chapter 1: Introduction to Travel Medicine; Chapter 2: Travel Topics and Special Conditions; Chapter 3: Travel Vaccines; Chapter 4: Vector-borne Diseases.  

    This product is ALL FOUR CHAPTERS for 40 USD (Members) or 175 USD (Non-Members).  Chapters are also available separately in the Resource Library.

    The original authors of the slide set are Eric Caumes, MD, Professor of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris, France, and Bradley A. Connor, MD, Director of the New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, and Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, United States.

    Since its inception in 2008 the slide set has undergone major updating several times.  With each update, there is an extensive peer-review process by travel medicine practitioners from around the world.

    In this new 2024 edition, Darvin Scott Smith, MD, served as Chief of Infectious Disease & Geographic Medicine at Kaiser Redwood City, Sheila Mackell, MD, Pediatrics & Travel Medicine, Mountain View Pediatrics, Flagstaff, Arizona, Mary-Louise Scully, MD, Director, Travel and Tropical Medicine Center, Sansum Clinic, Santa Barbara, California, and Yen-Giang Bui MD, DTMH, Public Health Department CISSS Monteregie-Centre, Longueuil, Canada have undertaken an extensive update.  The 2024 edition of the slide set has been peer-reviewed by The Professional Education Committee of ISTM and other key opinion leaders of ISTM from Australia, Canada, France, United Kingdom, South Africa, and the United States of America, ensuring the international relevance and applicability of the content.

    The presentations are suitable for lecturing to both healthcare professionals and lay groups.  Slides are grouped by subject area (e.g., Risk Assessment, Vaccines, Malaria, Travelers’ Diarrhea, Special Needs Travelers, Post-Travel Syndromes) for easy customization of lectures.  Material and teaching points are international in scope, allowing the presenter to elaborate on specific local dosing and availability issues.

    Terms Of Use

    Copyright to the PowerPoint slides contained in the files titled Introduction to Travel Medicine, Travel Topics and Special Conditions, Travel Vaccines, and Vector-Borne Diseases are owned by the International Society of Travel Medicine.  Individual purchasers of these slide sets are granted a license to use the slides under the following conditions:
    • These slides are meant for the purchaser’s teaching and public speaking activities as a private individual only.
    • No part of the slide sets may be used by, disseminated by, or posted in print or electronic format by institutions, corporations or other organizations.  Licenses for purchase and distribution of multiple copies are negotiable with the ISTM.
    • Individual purchasers may not share any part of the slide sets with any other individual, contained slides may be projected by that individual only or by an individual that is a direct subordinate or paid employee of the individual purchaser.
    • Any or all slides may be shown at a single session.
    • Each slide must be projected exactly as it appears in the slide set.
    • No slide content may be altered in any way as each slide carries the seal of the ISTM.
    • No partial slide content may be extracted from a slide and used in other presentations.
    • The ISTM seal must not be removed from any slide, any use of the content must show the seal on every single slide used.
    • Register
      • Non-Member - $175
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $40
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $40
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $40
      • LMIC Healthcare Professional Membership - $40
      • Retiree Membership - $40
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $40
      • Student Membership (Non-degreed/Non-licensed) - $40
      • Staff - $40
    • More Information
  • Contains 4 Product(s)

    Don't miss VIRTUAL CISTM18: Dawn of a New Era in Travel Medicine Virtual in Basel, Switzerland May 2023.

    We are delighted that you will be joining us digitally at CISTM18 from 21-25 May 2023!

    How to Access the Conference Online


    Please visit the digital platform or download the App by simply visiting the Apple store (here) or Google Play store (here) and search for our free app "CISTM18."  The digital platform is intended for computer users, and the APP is for mobile users – both options provide exactly the same content / information.


    Please note, only the programming in the San Francisco room will be live streamed, and it will be broadcast in the local Basel, Switzerland time zone. All of the Scientific Program will be recorded and available within 24 hours for viewing. Programming will be available for 3 months on the app, and eventually this programming will be migrated and available on the Elevate platform. 


    The digital congress platform is available and will be accessible until 30 August 2023, 23.59 CET.


    We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the platform before the start of the congress. Go to the platform and discover the different congress areas for a smooth start on 21 May and a great congress experience.

    Kindly note that the app can’t be downloaded to a computer. But attendees access the digital platform, which is basically the same.

    As a summary - the app is for mobile users, the digital platform for computer users – both options provide exactly the same content / information.


    For optimal user experience, we highly recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser. The digital congress platform is not accessible on Safari.

    We recommend you to regularly clear your browser’s cache memory and to reload the currently open page, and to override the locally cached version (clear cache). To clear your cache on Chrome/Firefox, please press “Ctrl + F5” or “Ctrl + Shift + R” short keys on your keyboard.


    Browse through the FAQs to find answers to frequently asked questions.



    The detailed scientific program is available on the official congress website, please click here.


    We are looking forward to welcoming you at CISTM18!

    Kind regards,

    ISTM Secretariat Team

    • Register
      • Non-Member - $795
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $600
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $500
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $600
      • LMIC Healthcare Professional Membership - $300
      • Retiree Membership - $600
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $500
      • Student Membership (Non-degreed/Non-licensed) - $110
      • Staff - Free!
    • More Information
  • Contains 0 Component(s)

    Day Four Scientific Program for CISTM18

    Virtual Day Four Scientific Program for CISTM18

    • Register
      • Non-Member - $325
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $285
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $285
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $285
      • LMIC Healthcare Professional Membership - $285
      • Retiree Membership - $285
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $285
      • Student Membership (Non-degreed/Non-licensed) - $285
      • Staff - Free!
    • More Information
  • Contains 5 Product(s)

    Don't miss CISTM18: Dawn of a New Era in Travel Medicine In-Person in Basel, Switzerland May 2023.

    ISTM President Peter Leggat invites you to join us for this first in-person event post COVID-19. The Scientific Program Committee (SPC), under the guidance of SPC Chair David Hamer, has been working hard to bring dynamic and engaging Travel Medicine program to invigorate and elevate CISTM18 Basel, Switzerland 21-25 May, 2023. Local Organizing Chair (LOC) Christoph Hatz and committee will be incorporating some exciting local fare, sure to delight your senses.

    To register for CISTM18, simply click the blue “Log in” button in the upper right hand corner of the page.


    You don’t have log in credentials? No problem. Visit, and create a “Member Login” User Name and Password. While we would love to have you join ISTM as a member, it is not necessary for this purpose. You may create a “Non-Member” account.


    The ISTM Secretariat team is here to help! If you are experiencing problems with the registration system, try clearing your cookies or cache, and using a different browser, such as Microsoft Explorer. If problems persist, please take a screen shot, and send it with any other details to so that we may better assist you.

    • Register
      • Non-Member - $945
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $750
      • 5 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $700
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Medical Doctor, Physician) - $750
      • LMIC Healthcare Professional Membership - $300
      • Retiree Membership - $700
      • 1 Year Healthcare Professionals (Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacist, Paramedic, Researchers) - $700
      • Student Membership (Non-degreed/Non-licensed) - $110
      • Staff - Free!
    • More Information